
Alhamdulillah, Al Ummah Foundation was privileged to sponsor Shainul in Bangladesh as the first beneficiary since our launch in November 2016.


Mosudul Rahman (Shainul)


Shainul is a twelve year old orphan who is learning the Qur’an by heart and working hard towards his educational goals and future prospects.
Shainul’s mother is raising six children on her own and works long hours in various homes and villages to support her young family since the sudden demise of her beloved husband. At the time, she kindly requested if her son can be supported as she wanted her son to make a positive contribution in her locality and educate orphans in similar circumstances.

Shainul is already helping underprivileged children younger than him to read and write and has become an inspiration for many in pursuing their educational dreams.

May Allah (SWT) give Shainul the strength not only to continue educating himself but to continue growing so he can support his family and the wider community.

Thank you to our donors once again in making this possible.

UPDATE: 2019

First sponsored orphan